Sixth Form (A Levels)

Online A Level Chemistry


Our AQA A Level Chemistry online course is meticulously crafted in collaboration with experienced teachers and universities. It aims to cultivate not only a deep subject knowledge but also a strong grasp of fundamental concepts essential for mastering the discipline. Perfect for students who aspire to further their scientific studies at university, this online chemistry A Level course serves as a stepping stone to advanced education and career opportunities.


Homework, Assessment and Reporting

In the sixth form, students are expected to complete at least one piece of homework per subject each week. To achieve optimal results in our A Level chemistry online course, we recommend an equal amount of independent study for every hour of classroom instruction. This includes revision of notes to solidify learning after each lesson.

Structured assessments provide regular feedback for continuous improvement. Level 5 internal assessments are conducted in June, and Level 6 internal mock assessments occur in November and March. Comprehensive reports, encompassing grades for both attainment and effort, are issued at the end of the Autumn and Summer terms for Level 5, and following the mock assessments for Level 6. These reports are complemented by written feedback from Success Coaches and the Head Teacher, offering a multi-faceted evaluation of student progress.

Parental Collaboration

We encourage parents to actively participate in their child’s academic voyage through a dedicated family Teams account. This interactive platform allows for continuous dialogue with teachers and provides the unique advantage of more intricate tracking of student progress than a standard annual parent consultation evening.

Embark on a transformative learning journey with our A Level chemistry online course and unlock endless possibilities for your future.

Click here to see this year’s Assessment and Reporting schedule

The course will follow the current AQA A Level specifications.

The course will be based on the textbooks recommended for AQA A Levels.

The AS exam is not recommended; we prepare our students for full A Level exams only (AS and A2 combined).

Physical Chemistry

  1. Atoms, molecules and stoichiometry
  2. Atomic structure
  3. Chemical bonding
  4. States of matter
  5. Chemical energetics
  6. Electrochemistry
  7. Equilibria
  8. Reaction kinetics

Inorganic Chemistry

  1. The Periodic Table: chemical periodicity
  2. Group 2
  3. Group 17
  4. An introduction to the chemistry of transition elements
  5. Nitrogen and sulfur

Organic Chemistry and Analysis

  1. An introduction to organic chemistry
  2. Hydrocarbons
  3. Halogen derivatives
  4. Hydroxy compounds
  5. Carbonyl compounds
  6. Carboxylic acids and derivatives
  7. Nitrogen compounds
  8. Polymerisation
  9. Analytical techniques
  10. Organic synthesis

All candidates study practical skills.

These topics will be taught in Years 12 and 13 to prepare students for their AQA A Level examinations.

AQA science A Levels do not require a science practical endorsement examination to pass (all grades A*-G are achievable without a practical examination). However, students who wish to study sciences at degree level are advised to check with their intended university whether a science practical endorsement is required. If so, a separate science practical endorsement examination can be taken later, even after students have passed and left their CHS A Level course. Students should check with their local examination centre to see if they offer science practical preparation and examinations. While separate Practical Endorsement preparation and examination courses (typically 1 week duration) are readily available in the UK, they may not be available internationally. International students do have the option of sitting examinations and the practical endorsement in the UK.

Watch Mr O’Connell explain this in more detail:


Our lessons prepare students for June series examinations only.

AS Level

Paper 1: topic 1 (Sections 1.1 to 1.4, 1.6 and 1.7) to topic 2 (Sections 2.1 to 2.3) including relevant practical skills, written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes, 80 marks, 50% of AS

Paper 2: topic 1 (Sections 1.2 to 1.6) and topic 3 (Section 3.1 to 3.6), including relevant practical skills, written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes, 80 marks, 50% of AS

A Level

Paper 1: topic 1 (Sections 1.1 to 1.4, 1.6 to 1.8 and 1.10 to 1.12) and topic 2 (Section 3.2), including relevant practical skills, written exam: 2 hours, 105 marks, 35% of A Level

Paper 2: Any content from topic 1 (Sections 1.1 to 1.4, 1.6 to 1.8 and 1.10 to 1.12) and topic 3 (Section 3.3), including relevant practical skills, written exam: 2 hours, 105 marks, 35% of A Level

Paper 3: Any content and any practical skills, written exam: 2 hours, 90 marks, 30% of A Level

It is the parents’ responsibility to arrange their child’s examinations; our teachers will provide all the support required. Most students will sit their examination papers at a school or college who accept private candidates. Some students sit their examinations at private examination centres.

Unlike Cambridge examination board, the AQA examination board has few examination centres outside of the UK, and so it is likely that students will sit their science A Level examinations at a UK examination centre. As CHS students are applying to top UK universities, travel to the UK will be required.

Separate Science Practical Endorsement (Optional)

AQA science A Levels do not require a science practical endorsement to pass (all grades A*-G are achievable without a practical examination). However, students who wish to study sciences at degree level are advised to check with their intended university whether a science practical endorsement is required. If so, a separate science practical endorsement examination can be taken later, even after students have passed and left their CHS A Level course. Students should check with their local examination centre to see if they offer science practical preparation and examinations. While separate Practical Endorsement preparation and examination courses (typically 1 week duration) are readily available in the UK, they may not be available internationally. International students do have the option of sitting examinations and the practical endorsement in the UK. Preparation for this additional practical endorsement will be carried out by your appointed examination centre and not by the school.

“The conducting of experiments is potentially dangerous and must be supervised by an adult. Cambridge Home School and its teachers do not demand that pupils conduct experiments. Parents and pupils must make the decision whether or not to conduct experiments / dangerous activities and must therefore accept responsibility for any outcomes. Cambridge Home School does not accept responsibility for experiments or any other dangerous activity conducted at the homes of its pupils or in any other place.”

If you are intending to study A Level Chemistry after IGCSE, we recommend that you spend some time in the summer holidays preparing. Here are some suggested activities:


Work through some GCSE to A Level transition activities here: GCSE-to-A-LEVEL Chemistry – start at activity 6 and see how far you can get independently.


This is an excellent TED-talk using flipped learning to develop a better understanding of the ‘molecular scale’: Just How Small is an Atom?


Introduce yourselves to the wonderful – starting with exploring these introductory ‘articles’: Atomic Structure and Bonding

Chemistry Socials:

Daily A Level Chemistry facts – @ChemAlevels

Chemistry news – @ChemistryNews

Compound Interest – graphics exploring everyday Chemistry. Winner of @absw 2018 science blog award – @compoundchem

Chemistry World – Chemistry magazine bringing you the latest Chemistry news and research every day. Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry – @ChemistryWorld

Royal Society of Chemistry – Promote, support and celebrate Chemistry. Follow for updates on latest activities – @RoySocChem

Periodic Videos – Chemistry video series by @BradyHaran and profs at the University of Nottingham – @periodicvideos  Also see @sixtysymbols and @numberphile

What is the AQA A Level Chemistry online course about?

The online course for AQA A Level Chemistry is crafted to assist students in acquiring not just subject-specific knowledge but also a deep understanding of vital concepts crucial for mastering the subject. This course prepares students for further academic study at university.

How is the Chemistry A Level course evaluated?

Assessment for the A Level Chemistry course includes Level 5 internal assessments in June and Level 6 internal mock assessments in November and March. Students are provided with reports at the end of Autumn and Summer terms, detailing grades for effort and attainment, along with feedback from Success Coaches and the Head Teacher.

What guidelines and materials are used for the online Chemistry A Level course?

The course aligns with the current AQA A Level specifications and is based on recommended textbooks for AQA A Levels. The emphasis is on preparing students for full A Level exams, and the AS exam is generally not recommended.

How can parents track their child’s progress in the online Chemistry A Level course?

Parents can use a family Teams account to keep in touch with teachers about their child’s academic development. This system offers a more nuanced form of tracking compared to an annual parent consultation evening.

Are practicals included in the Chemistry A Level online course?

Due to the course being online, practical experiments are not conducted. However, students are encouraged to engage in safe at-home practicals and to watch videos of experiments online. This approach ensures that students can think scientifically in day-to-day contexts.

General points

Assessment, apart from the final A Level exams, will be carried out continuously throughout lessons, via homework or short tests.

Practicals will not be possible due to the online nature of teaching, but students are welcome to carry out safe practicals at home. Students are also encouraged to watch videos of practical experiments online, for example using YouTube. Students will also be encouraged to think scientifically in an everyday context, making them aware of the science around them and how it can help in solving problems.

How to apply

Our school places fill quickly, apply today to avoid disappointment!

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