Our Online IGCSE Sociology course offers an in-depth exploration into the complexities of social relationships, processes, and structures. This course is meticulously designed to equip students with a profound understanding of human societies, along with the roles of continuity and change in shaping social life. Through the Sociology IGCSE online syllabus, students will critically evaluate a diverse range of social, economic, and political structures, thereby mastering the sociological method. Moreover, this IGCSE Sociology online course cultivates the skill of assessing various forms of information and evidence critically.
In applying their burgeoning sociological knowledge, students can better analyse their own lives and societal participation. The Online IGCSE Sociology course serves as an exceptional foundation for students aspiring to progress to AS/A Level Sociology and, eventually, higher education in sociology or related disciplines.
Homework, Assessment and Reporting
Students in our Upper School enrolled in the Sociology IGCSE online course are expected to complete at least one piece of homework per subject each fortnight at Level 3 and weekly at Level 4. The pathway to success in the Upper School hinges on the consistent revision of notes to consolidate learning following each lesson. Students are advised to create revision cards and notes for each topic as they traverse through the course, ensuring they are well-prepared for their final exams at the conclusion of the two-year IGCSE programme.
Internal assessments for Level 3 take place in June, while Level 4 internal mock assessments are scheduled for November and March. Comprehensive reports, which include grades for attainment and effort, along with individualised comments from Success Coaches and the Head Teacher, are provided at the end of the Autumn and Summer terms for Level 3 students. For Level 4 students, reports are issued following the mock assessments in the Autumn and Spring terms.
To bolster continuous dialogue about academic progress, parents are encouraged to utilise their family Teams account. This platform offers the unique advantage of providing more intricate tracking of student performance in the IGCSE Sociology online course than would be possible through a single annual parent consultation evening.
Click here to see this year’s Assessment and Reporting schedule
The CIE International GCSE Sociology course is well-regarded among colleges and universities as it is well-rounded, allowing learners to have a grasp of key topics, giving a firm basis from which to springboard into A Level and beyond.
The course focuses on 7 main units, listed below.
Unit 1: Theory and methods
How do different sociologists interpret society?
How do sociologists study society?
What types of information and data do sociologists use?
Unit 2: Culture, identity and socialisation
What is the relationship between the individual and society?
How do we learn to be human?
Unit 3: Social inequality
What is social stratification?
What are the main features of social inequality and how are these created?
Unit 4: Family
What are the different types of family?
How are family roles changing?
What are the changes affecting the family?
Unit 5: Education
What is the function of education?
What factors help to explain differences in educational achievement?
Unit 6: Crime, deviance and social control
What are crime, deviance and social control?
What are the patterns of crime?
What are the explanations of crime?
Unit 7: Media
Who controls the media?
What is the influence of the media?
Cambridge IGCSE® Sociology Coursebook, by Jonathan Blundell (Author), published by Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-1107645134
The CIE IGCSE Sociology exam consists of:
Paper 1 – units 1, 2, and 3
2 hours (including 15 minutes’ reading time)
Candidates answer one compulsory data response question and one optional structured question from a choice of two.
80 marks, 54% of total grade
Paper 2 – units 4, 5, 6 and 7
1 hour 45 minutes (including 15 minutes’ reading time)
Candidates answer two optional structured questions from a choice of four.
70 marks, 46% of total grade
Parents are responsible for arranging their child’s examinations at their local registered examination centre. Cambridge Home School students study from every part of the globe and so it is not practical for the school to offer a single venue to sit examinations. Consequently, Cambridge Home School is not registered with Cambridge International Examinations but has partnerships with examination centres registered with Cambridge International Examinations, Edexcel, OCR and AQA, and will support students in locating a suitable venue for sitting their written and practical examinations.
If you are intending to study A Level Sociology after IGCSE, we recommend that you spend some time in the summer holidays preparing. Here are some suggested activities:
Quick Youtube clip – What is sociology???
Film – The Kids Are All Right (1995) – Available on all the major streaming services
Film – The History Boys (2006) – Available on all the major streaming services
Journal Article – The Economist – The stark relationship between income inequality and crime
Newspaper Article – BBC News – Miss America waves bye bye to bikinis
Newspaper Article – The Telegraph – The dark side of female empowerment: The rise of Britain’s ‘gangster girls’ running gangs
Newspaper Article – The Guardian – Secret Teacher: the emphasis on British history is depriving students of balance
Twitter – @TheSocReview – The Sociology Review A Level magazine
Instagram – @allsociology – allsociology
A variety of interesting Sociology Podcasts – The Social Breakdown – the sociology podcast nobody wants, but everybody needs
A variety of interesting Sociology Podcasts – allsociology: take 1
What is the objective of the online IGCSE Sociology course?
The online IGCSE Sociology course aims to educate students on various aspects of social relationships, structures, and processes. The course is structured to enhance understanding of societal continuity and change, enabling students to apply sociological methods critically to different forms of information.
What topics will be covered in the online IGCSE Sociology class?
The course focuses on seven main units which are not specified in the original text. These units are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of social relationships, structures, and processes.
What are the homework and assessment requirements for Sociology IGCSE online?
In the Upper School, students are expected to complete one homework assignment per subject every fortnight in Level 3 and weekly in Level 4. Internal assessments occur in June for Level 3 and in November and March for Level 4. Students also receive reports at the end of Autumn and Summer terms in Level 3, and after mock assessments in Level 4.
How can parents monitor their child’s progress in the online IGCSE Sociology course?
Parents can use their family Teams account to communicate regularly with teachers, which allows for more intricate tracking of student performance than an annual consultation evening would provide.
What are the exam details for the online IGCSE Sociology?
The IGCSE Sociology exam is divided into two papers. Paper 1 focuses on the first three units and comprises 54% of the total grade. Paper 2 includes units 4 to 7 and makes up the remaining 46% of the total grade. Both papers include multiple questions, with some being optional.
The Teachers
Sociology at Cambridge Home School Online is taught by Mrs Till and Dr Elerian. Click on the names below to find out more about our Sociology teachers.