3. Safety
student online school Leeds
Following the pandemic, the conventional schooling system’s lack of safety has become apparent. Students are at risk of contracting viruses. However, that’s not all. The risk of bullying, harassment, abuse, discrimination, peer pressure, and ostracisation is also particularly high in conventional schools.
The online schooling model stands out for offering greater safety to students. Since pupils attend online classes from home, the risk of virus contraction is eliminated. We also reduce the risk of bullying by providing extensive training to our teachers. They are adept at identifying the subtlest signs of bullying and intervening on time.
This approach is lacking in most conventional schools today. The reason is a high student-teacher ratio. As many as 25 (or sometimes even 30) students are taught in a single classroom by one teacher. Since too many students are present in the classroom, instances of bullying slip through the cracks. There’s only so much the teacher can do. They struggle to track each student’s activity, which ends up increasing the overall bullying rate under the conventional schooling system.
We keep our student-teacher ratio particularly low. Each classroom comprises 8–10 students, no more. This helps our teachers track each student’s performance and behaviour very closely. If a student misbehaves with their peers, our teachers promptly identify such instances and take immediate action. Based on the situation, the student may be warned or removed from the classroom. If we deem their behaviour threatening to other students, we may schedule a meeting with the student’s parents.
At CHS Online, we are committed to ensuring the safety of our students. By putting these measures in place, we ensure that each student has a positive, safe, wholesome, and enriching online learning experience. Our teachers are alert, assiduous, and empathetic. They conscientiously moderate each classroom and provide personalised attention and care to every pupil.
Are you looking for online primary schools in the UK, online classes for secondary education, IGCSE schooling, or A Level programs? At Cambridge Home School Online, we provide a quality Cambridge online education across four homeschooling programs in Brent: Primary Prep/Key Stage 2 (ages 7 to 10), Lower School/Key Stage 3 (ages 11 to 13), Upper School/IGCSEs (ages 14 to 16), and Sixth Form/AS & A-Levels (ages 17 to 19).
As online learning gains traction in Brent, parents, and students are being urged to do their research and find the right institution. Instead of rushing the process, take your time and shortlist different schools. Look into their policies and programs to understand which institution is right for you. If you’re considering CHS Online, explore the following links:
If you have more questions, we’re always happy to help! Feel free to speak with our chatbot or schedule an appointment with our education specialists. We also teach students living in London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Bristol, Liverpool, Oxford, Birmingham, Cambridge, Glasgow, Cardiff, Leeds, Nottingham, Belfast, Durham, and other notable cities across the UK.