2. A Healthy School-Life Balance
Indian students are immensely talented, hard-working, creative, and focused. However, their potential is often squandered because of the overarching culture of overworking students in India.
Instead of enjoying a balanced, manageable routine, students are pushed beyond their limits. Teachers often keep them in school for a longer duration, all in an attempt to improve their academic performance. This approach backfires. Instead of doing better, students develop academic stress, anxiety, and burnout. They begin to dread their classes.
At CHS Online, we offer ample flexibility to each student. We encourage students to do their best and maintain academic rigorousness for grade elevation. However, this doesn’t come at the cost of student mental health.
Our students study well and enjoy a healthy, balanced, wholesome routine. They aren’t overworked or kept in school for unnecessary long hours. Our classes begin and end on time, as planned. Once their classes finish for the day, students are free to spend the rest of their day as they please.
Our students play sports, socialise with their friends, go on excursions and explorations, complete their homework, revise for the day, build new skills, explore new hobbies and interests, and do volunteer work. They learn, grow, and evolve regularly. As a result, students achieve immense academic, personal, and social growth. They don’t feel overworked or pushed beyond their limits, an approach that we’re particularly wary of.
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3. The Esteemed British Curriculum
As a British private school, we provide a quality Cambridge online education to our students. Our teachers use an independent, well-rounded, interdisciplinary curriculum to help students cover more ground and secure better grades.
Our curriculum is more comprehensive than the national curriculum. Owing to its educational breadth and depth, it helps students study more rigorously and sit their exams with confidence and clarity.