
Are Children In Private Schools Happier?

Happiness in Private Schools

Happiness in Private Schools

In recent times, the conversation around education has evolved significantly, moving beyond the confines of academic achievement to encompass the broader well-being of students. This shift reflects a growing recognition of the importance of mental health and life satisfaction in shaping young people’s futures. Within this context, the debate on the value of private schooling in England has gained new dimensions, prompting a reevaluation of its benefits beyond traditional educational outcomes.

The Changing Landscape of Private Education

Historically, private schools in England have been heralded for their high academic standards, leading to better labour market outcomes for their alumni. However, as societal values shift towards a greater emphasis on mental health and well-being, these institutions have adapted by significantly increasing their investment in pastoral care and support services. This evolution raises a pertinent question: does the premium on private education extend to enhancing students’ mental health and life satisfaction?

A Focused Investigation

This article draws on a comprehensive study that seeks to unravel the impact of private schooling on mental health and life satisfaction among young adults. Unlike previous research that predominantly concentrated on mid-life outcomes, this study focuses on a younger cohort born in 1989–90, exploring the effects during a critical period of early adulthood at age 25. This approach allows for a more immediate assessment of the schooling experience on well-being, providing valuable insights for parents, policymakers, and educational practitioners.

Key Findings and Interpretations

Contrary to widespread assumptions about the superiority of private education, the study reveals a complex picture. While private schools have indeed ramped up their focus on well-being, the evidence does not conclusively show that their students fare better in terms of mental health and life satisfaction compared to their state-educated counterparts. This finding challenges the traditional narrative and suggests that the advantages of private education may not be as straightforward as previously thought.

Implications for Stakeholders

The implications of these findings are profound, particularly for parents deliberating over educational choices for their children. It suggests that decisions should not solely be based on academic considerations but should also take into account the overall well-being support provided by the institution. For policymakers and educational leaders, the study underscores the importance of fostering environments that support mental health and life satisfaction across all types of schools.

How Does Cambridge Home School Online Ensure Pupil Happiness?

At Cambridge Home School Online (CHS), we firmly believe that the happiness and well-being of our pupils are paramount to their academic success and personal development. Our approach to ensuring pupil happiness is multifaceted, drawing on feedback from parents and students alike, as highlighted by testimonials from satisfied parents such as Nusaibah and Lee-Ann O’Connor.

Individualised Attention and Support

We recognise that each child’s educational journey is unique, especially during challenging transitions such as the IGCSE-A Level junction. Our dedicated teachers provide personalised one-on-one attention to each student, helping them navigate academic rigours with confidence. This individualised approach allows us to promptly address questions, alleviate concerns, and ensure a supportive learning environment, as was the case with Nusaibah’s son.

Engaging and Creative Curriculum

Our curriculum goes beyond the traditional, incorporating subjects that tap into students’ creative potential, such as Art & Design, Drama, and Music. The feedback from Lee-Ann O’Connor about her daughter’s experience with our Lower Art KS3 OCAD course exemplifies our commitment to delivering engaging, thorough, and well-organised lessons. By making lessons more enjoyable and stimulating, we aim to foster a genuine interest in the arts, encouraging students to explore their creative talents fully.

Cutting-edge Technology and Resources

CHS utilises advanced and secure online learning platforms that enhance the virtual classroom experience with high-quality audio-visual technology. Our extensive online library offers a wealth of educational resources, including videos, presentations, study guides, and more. This approach ensures that every student, regardless of their geographical location, has access to the best British education possible.

Small Class Sizes and Pastoral Support

We maintain small class sizes of 8-10 pupils to ensure that each student receives the attention they deserve. Additionally, our one-on-one success coaching and pastoral support system are designed to support students’ emotional and psychological well-being. This personalised care is a cornerstone of our philosophy, ensuring that every student feels valued, supported, and happy.

A Community of Future Leaders

CHS is more than just a school; it’s a community. Our students come from diverse backgrounds, including families of significant influence, creating a rich tapestry of perspectives and experiences. This environment fosters not only academic excellence but also the development of empathy, respect, and a sense of global citizenship among our students.

Conclusion: A Call for a Holistic Approach to Education

In conclusion, this article highlights the need for a more holistic approach to education that values mental health and life satisfaction as much as academic achievement. As society continues to grapple with increasing mental health challenges among young people, the role of schools in supporting well-being cannot be overstated. The findings from this study serve as a crucial reminder that the true measure of a school’s success extends far beyond traditional academic metrics, encompassing the broader and equally important domain of student well-being.


How has the perception of education evolved in recent years?

The perception of education has significantly shifted from focusing solely on academic achievements to include the broader well-being and mental health of students, recognising their critical role in shaping young individuals’ futures.

What changes have private schools in England made in response to the growing emphasis on mental health?

In response to the growing emphasis on mental health and well-being, private schools in England have significantly increased their investment in pastoral care and support services to enhance students’ mental health and life satisfaction.

How does the study mentioned in the article contribute to the debate on private schooling’s value?

The study provides a focused investigation on the impact of private schooling on young adults’ mental health and life satisfaction, especially during the critical early adulthood period, offering valuable insights for various stakeholders.

What were the key findings of the study regarding the well-being of students in private schools?

The study found that despite increased focus on well-being in private schools, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that students in private schools are happier or have better mental health and life satisfaction than their state-educated counterparts.

How does Cambridge Home School Online (CHS) ensure the happiness of its pupils?

CHS ensures pupil happiness through a multifaceted approach that includes individualised attention, an engaging and creative curriculum, cutting-edge technology and resources, small class sizes with pastoral support, and fostering a community of future leaders.