
Who To Contact About Home Schooling?

Who To Contact About Home Schooling?

In recent years, home education, also known as elective home education (EHE) or home schooling, has gained significant traction among parents seeking alternative educational pathways for their children. This article aims to demystify the process, outlining legal considerations, curriculum choices, and support networks to ensure a seamless transition to home schooling.

Understanding Home Education

What is Home Education?

Home education is the practice of educating children at home, either full-time or part-time, as opposed to traditional schooling. This alternative approach allows for a more personalised education, tailored to the child’s unique needs and interests.

Full-time vs Part-time Home Schooling

Aspect Full-time Home Schooling Part-time Home Schooling
Definition Children are educated at home for all their educational needs. Children attend traditional school for some subjects or activities.
Responsibility Parents assume full responsibility for their child’s education. A combination of parental and school responsibility.
Flexibility High flexibility in scheduling and curriculum. Less flexibility due to school timetable constraints.

Legal Considerations and Procedures

Navigating the legal landscape is a crucial first step in transitioning to home schooling. Here’s what you need to know:

Notifying Authorities

If you decide to home educate, it’s essential to inform your child’s current school and your local council. The school must accept your decision for full-time home education but may refuse part-time arrangements.

School Attendance Orders

For children under school attendance orders, you must seek approval from your local council before transitioning to home education.

Education Quality and Curriculum

Ensuring a Full-time Education

From the age of 5, your child is entitled to a full-time education. However, as a home educator, you are not bound to follow the national curriculum, offering flexibility to design a learning experience that best suits your child’s needs.

Council’s Role in Home Education

The local council may conduct an ‘informal enquiry’ to ensure your child receives a suitable education. If they deem it necessary, they can issue a school attendance order.

If Your Child Has Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Educating Children with SEN at Home

Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) may require tailored educational approaches. If your child is enrolled in a special school under an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan, you’ll need your council’s permission to transition to home education. However, this permission is not required if your child is in a mainstream school, even with an EHC plan.

Support for SEN in Home Schooling

While home schooling can offer a more conducive learning environment for some children with SEN, it’s essential to consider the resources and support you might need. Engage with local SEN support groups and explore online resources tailored to home-educated children with SEN.

What is Elective Home Education (EHE)?

The Choice of EHE

Elective Home Education (EHE) represents a parent’s decision to take on the primary educational responsibility for their child, outside the traditional school system. This choice can be made at any stage of the child’s education, from the outset or after a period of formal schooling.

The Benefits and Challenges of EHE

EHE can offer a more personalised and flexible education, potentially leading to better outcomes for some children. However, it requires significant commitment and sacrifice from parents, who must ensure that their child’s educational needs are met comprehensively.

Legal Obligations and Local Authority Interaction

Informing the Local Authority

While there is no legal requirement to notify your local authority of your decision to home educate, doing so can be beneficial. The local authority has a duty to ensure all children receive a suitable education, and registering your intent for EHE can provide you with access to resources and support.

Response from Schools to EHE Registration

It’s important to note that schools cannot compel parents to opt for EHE. The decision must come from the parents, and once made, it transfers the responsibility for the child’s education from the school to the parents.

Resources and Support for Home Educators

Accessing Educational Materials

As a home educator, you’ll be responsible for sourcing educational materials, including textbooks and curriculum resources. While the local authority does not provide these, many online and community resources are available to support EHE.

Financial Considerations

Home schooling can entail additional financial responsibilities, such as purchasing educational resources and covering examination fees. Planning and budgeting are crucial to ensure that your child has access to the necessary materials and opportunities.

Curriculum Design and Educational Philosophy

Developing a Suitable Curriculum

Without the requirement to follow the National Curriculum, home educators have the freedom to design a bespoke educational programme. This programme should be balanced, taking into consideration the child’s age, ability, aptitude, and any special educational needs.

Crafting an Educational Philosophy

Part of the home education registration process may involve submitting your educational philosophy. This document outlines your approach to education and how you plan to meet your child’s educational needs.

After Registration: What Next?

The Role of the Elective Home Education Assessor

Upon registering for EHE, you may be contacted by an Elective Home Education Assessor from the local authority. They can offer guidance, support, and resources to help you in your home education journey.

Ongoing Support and Assessment

While the level of oversight varies, maintaining an open line of communication with your local authority can provide ongoing support. Regular check-ins and updates can help ensure your child’s educational journey is successful and fulfilling.


In conclusion, embarking on the home schooling journey requires careful planning and consideration to ensure that your child’s educational needs are met comprehensively. While home schooling offers a flexible and tailored approach to learning, it’s essential to have access to the right resources and support. For parents seeking a structured yet flexible educational alternative that combines the benefits of home schooling with the rigour of traditional schooling, Cambridge Home School (CHS) presents a compelling option.

As the UK’s most trusted online selective school for high-ability students aged 7 to 19, CHS has been at the forefront of delivering a premier British education online for over two decades. With a team of highly qualified MA/MSc/PhD subject specialists, CHS provides an environment where students not only thrive academically but also gain access to prestigious universities through its Oxbridge Russell Group partnerships.

CHS stands out for its small class sizes, offering individualised support and one-on-one success coaching to each student. The school’s commitment to a well-rounded, interdisciplinary curriculum, supported by a vast library of educational resources and cutting-edge online learning platforms, ensures a rich and engaging learning experience.

Considering CHS as an alternative or in conjunction with home schooling can provide your child with the best of both worlds: the personalised attention and flexibility of home schooling, combined with the structured support and academic excellence of one of the UK’s leading online schools.


What is Elective Home Education (EHE)?

Elective Home Education (EHE) is a parent’s choice to take primary responsibility for their child’s education outside the traditional school setting. This decision can occur at any stage of the child’s education journey and offers a more personalised learning approach.

How do I start the home schooling process?

To initiate home schooling, inform your child’s current school and potentially your local council, especially if transitioning from full-time school education. This step is crucial for ensuring a smooth transition and accessing available support resources.

Are there special considerations for children with SEN?

For children with Special Educational Needs (SEN), especially those enrolled in special schools under an EHC plan, you might need council permission to home school. Mainstream school children with SEN don’t require this permission, but considering additional resources and support is essential.

Do I need to follow the National Curriculum while home schooling?

Home schooling offers the flexibility to create a bespoke educational programme, not bound by the National Curriculum. This allows the curriculum to be tailored to the child’s specific needs, interests, and aptitude, providing a well-rounded education.

What support is available for home schooling families?

Local authorities offer guidance and resources for home schooling families, even though they don’t provide educational materials directly. Additionally, online communities and educational resources are available to support the home schooling journey.