There are many misconceptions that people have about homeschooling and why so many parents are choosing an online based learning program for their children’s education. From the idea that homeschooled children do not socialise well, to homeschool children having a difficult time getting into college, there are so many that it can be confusing trying to decide which ones actually have any merit
Having said that, who better to dispel the homeschool myths and help you understand what online independent secondary school is and isn’t than the leader in homeschool curriculums, Cambridge Home School. We are going to take a closer look at some of the top homeschool myths and show you why they are just that. Let’s get started:
Top 5 Myths About Homeschooling
Homeschooled Children Aren’t Socialised- being the most prevalent homeschool myth, we are going to dispel this one first. The idea of socialisation is much more than interacting with children in the same age group, it is interacting with family, friends, neighbours and other members of the community. In fact, a homeschooled child is actually better socialised as a result of this interaction.
It’s illegal – the law in the UK and USA requires that all children must receive an adequate education that prepares them for life and its opportunities. However, this does not mean that children have to attend a conventional school. Parents can choose to educate their children themselves, or if they feel they need structured lessons taught by qualified teachers and classmates they can opt for an online school.
Homeschooled Children Can’t Get into College- we are not sure exactly where this myth came from, but it is just that, a myth. Studies show that homeschool children have a higher rate of attending college than traditionally taught children. In fact, many top universities including Cambridge, Yale and Harvard actively seek out homeschooled students.
Few People Homeschool Their Children- there are millions of parent around the world that homeschool their children (approx. 60,000 in the UK before Covid 19) and many more signing up for online independent secondary school programmes every year.
Extracurricular Activities Are Unavailable- most online independent secondary school programmes offer a wide range of extracurricular activities including music, sports and other programmes designed to promote socialisation, skill-based learning and much more.
Contact Cambridge Home School
To learn more about the importance of a home school curriculum and how an independent online secondary school can provide your child with a much better education, contact Cambridge Home School today.
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FAQ Section
Do homeschooled children lack social interaction skills?
Contrary to popular belief, homeschooled children often have enhanced social skills because they interact with a diverse group of people, such as family, friends, and community members, not just peers of the same age.
Is homeschooling illegal in the UK and USA?
No, homeschooling is not illegal in either the UK or the USA. The law in both countries requires that children receive an adequate education, but this doesn’t necessitate attending a traditional school. Parents can opt for homeschooling or online educational programmes.
Can homeschooled students gain admission to prestigious colleges?
Yes, homeschooled students can and do gain admission to top-tier universities, including Cambridge, Yale, and Harvard. Research indicates that homeschooled students are more likely to attend college compared to those in traditional educational settings.
How many people are choosing to homeschool their children?
Before the Covid-19 pandemic, approximately 60,000 parents in the UK homeschooled their children. The number has grown since, and many parents are opting for online independent secondary school programmes.
Are extracurricular activities available for homeschooled children?
Yes, most online independent secondary school programmes offer a range of extracurricular activities. These can include music, sports, and other programmes aimed at promoting socialisation and skill-based learning.