
A Parent’s Guide to Homeschooling Two or More Children

children attending online school

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents are making the switch from conventional schooling to online schooling for their children. Compared to the former, the latter offers various benefits. From increasing flexibility to reducing the risk of school bullying and/or harassment to maximising safety and protection, online learning benefits children tremendously.

If you have two or more children, you may feel hesitant about homeschooling all of them. Many parents worry about the process being manageable. Fortunately, it is. In this blog, we’ll walk you through three ways to get started.

1. Create an Individualised Schedule for Each Child

Before making the switch to online school, make sure you create an individualised schedule for each child. This is imperative and should be done sooner than later.

At Cambridge Home School, we provide four homeschooling programs: Primary Prep/Key Stage 2 (ages 8 to 10), Lower School/Key Stage 3 (ages 11 to 13), Upper School/IGCSEs (ages 14 to 16), and Sixth Form/AS & A Levels (ages 17 to 19). Based on each child’s program, interests, and disposition, create a schedule that works well for them.

We recommend incorporating afterschool activities (sports, etc.), play dates with other children, skill-building activities, family explorations, and additional excursions in your child’s routine. As you create a healthy balance between their academic and non-academic life, you’ll keep them on track. You’ll also manage to make your routine more manageable as your children will stay focused on their studies, activities, and hobbies.

However, make sure you spend sufficient time with your children—both individually and collectively. As a parent, you can help them revise, plan family activities and trips, and spend quality time with them every day.

2. Become a Seasoned Planner

a parent setting up an online planner

If you’re homeschooling two or more children, develop the skill of excellent planning. We recommend downloading a planning/scheduling app or software. Sync it across your devices (computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.).

We also recommend updating your planner as frequently as possible. This will help you stay on top of things. You’ll be surprised by the overall increase in productivity and efficiency. As you keep everything updated and structured, you’ll also manage to nip stress, anxiety, and hassle in the bud.

Recommended Read: Is Parental Involvement Necessary for Online Schooling?

3. Carefully Select an Online School That Cuts Your Work in Half

At Cambridge Home School, we’re committed to making things a lot easier for parents. Our MA/PhD qualified subject specialist teachers work assiduously to help children remain engrossed in their lessons through and through.

By leveraging state-of-the-art technology, we further ensure that each lesson is engaging, interactive, and stimulating. We keep the classroom size small (8 to 10 students per group) to ensure that each child receives individualised attention from their teachers.

If you’re considering an online international school for homeschooling your child, start browsing through our admissions process. For more insight, explore our online reviews, scholarships and bursaries, and term dates. We accept applications from motivated English-speaking students in the UK, Europe (including Western Russia), Africa, Central Asia, and the Middle East.


What are the advantages of online schooling over traditional schooling?

Online schooling provides several benefits such as increased flexibility, reduced risk of bullying and harassment, and maximised safety for children, especially during times like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Is it feasible to homeschool multiple children?

Yes, homeschooling more than one child is manageable. Creating individualised schedules for each child based on their respective academic program and interests can help in managing the routine more efficiently.

How can technology help in planning the homeschooling schedule?

Utilising planning or scheduling apps and keeping them synced across various devices can significantly help in staying organised. Regular updates on these digital planners can enhance productivity and reduce stress.

What makes Cambridge Home School unique in online education?

Cambridge Home School offers MA/PhD qualified subject specialists who teach in small groups, thereby ensuring individualised attention for each student. Advanced technology is used to make lessons engaging and interactive.

What regions does Cambridge Home School accept applications from?

We welcome applications from motivated English-speaking students residing in the UK, Europe (including Western Russia), Africa, Central Asia, and the Middle East.